
Here's what we're doing to protect the health and safety of our equine and human clients at AEC.
Our Promise to You
Your health and safety and the health and safety of your horse matters to us here at AEC. Here's what we're doing to protect you and your horse.
All new boarders are subject to a 14-day quarantine in an individual pen. With no extra cost to the owner during the 14 days. Once that horse is deemed healthy and sound, they will be turned out with the rest of the herd. If any symptoms arise the quarantine time will lengthen. This is to protect the health of the new horse as well as that of the existing boarders. We will also ensure that any sick or injured horses are properly cared for in order to protect the health and safety of the other horses and that of the sick or injured horse. At AEC we also ensure your horses' safety by having a strict deworming and vaccination schedule. We deworm twice per year, once in the spring and once in the fall. And we vaccinate once per year, in the spring.